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Most people think a happy customer is a myth. However, it’s the emotion of happiness that usually drives customers to choose your brand over all else. While pursuing the hearts and minds of customers can seem daunting and challenging, it need not be so. With the help of shadow resources, organizations can: 1. Safeguard clients from...
The economic impact of COVID-19 has severely exposed the limitations of supply chains across the world and there are 5 key areas where legacy systems are hampering the quality of these supply chain systems: 1. Reliance on manual processes for decision-making and legacy tools like excel spreadsheets to manage logistic operations. 2. Data silos that adversely...
80% of healthcare companies are planning to invest more in digital healthcare over the next 5 years. Here are 5 reasons why healthcare organizations have started favoring technology over all else: 1. Improved patient care by providing real-time patient data to doctors by using personalized devices like smart wearables and ECG monitors 2. Health-related information is...
Adtech Corp
Patients today expect healthcare providers to offer quick and convenient services. By empowering providers to introduce new services, DevOps enables them to respond to the growing challenges prevalent within the healthcare industry. Notable benefits include: 1. Greater patient engagement and satisfaction and helping organizations keep up with evolving trends 2. Speedy deployment of advanced technologies that...
Many hospital systems maintain fragmented administrative, clinical, and regulatory information about medical records compliance and patient data. The Result? $1 trillion is lost in waste every year - that's a wastage of $1 for every $4 dollar spent by the US on healthcare. The gravest problems pertaining to this travesty arise within the confines of legacy...
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